NC Digital
  • Website Design

    WordPress & WooCommerce

    Take your online presence to the next level with an website designed by NC Digital

Web Design

We love working with businesses to make their online dreams a reality.  We provide websites built to match your requirements. Many of our clients prefer websites built on the WordPress content management system or WooCommerce based online shops. We are equally at home in those environments as we are with hand-coded websites. We make sure that regardless of the platform, our high-quality websites work on a variety of devices and deliver results.  

Peter Youngs Photography

Staffordshire based nature photographer was looking for a website to showcase his stunning images of the natural world. He wanted to launch an online store and gallery to coincide with his debut exhibition.

DM Jewellery Online
DM Jewellery Online

DM Jewellery Online

DesiMemsaab Jewellery were looking to branch out into more western jewellery and so wanted to rebrand their website to make it look more sophisticated and appeal to a new audience. 

Noah's Ark OSC

Noah's Ark OSC

Noah’s Ark provide nursery and after school club services in Newport, Shropshire. They had a simple brief. They wanted an easy to navigate website that enabled them to display their offer and give parents the ability to keep up with events.



EazyFile is an innovative electronic nail file. They were looking for a professionally design website with e-commerce facilities to serve their growing customer base.

Moyden's Handmade Cheese
Moyden's Handmade Cheese

Moyden's Handmade Cheese

Shropshire based artisan cheeses makers, Moyden’s Cheese wanted to take their online presence to the next level. Their previous website was in need of a refresh. We created a website that connected their products, social media output and provided them with the facility to sell their cheeses direct.

Gavin Hodgson

Gavin Hodgson

In preparation for the publication of his first novel, author, Gavin Hodgson wanted a website to communication the excitement of the George's Generations story and give fans background information on the story.  



We are currently working with Shropshire based CPD company AmazingCPD to launch an event booking management websute. 

Design My Website