NC Digital

15 Proven Strategies to Grow Your LinkedIn Following and Boost Your Brand

01.05.24 09:27 PM By Neil Cole


In today's digital landscape, your LinkedIn profile is more than just an online resume – it's your digital business card. LinkedIn has evolved from a basic networking site into a powerhouse for both businesses and individuals. It serves as a platform for cultivating connections, showcasing your expertise, and reaching a wider audience that goes beyond mere transactional interactions.

Growing a substantial following on LinkedIn isn't just about racking up numbers; it's about attracting the right audience. A strong network of engaged followers can propel your brand to new heights, boosting your visibility, solidifying your credibility, and opening doors to valuable opportunities.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into 15 actionable strategies to help you grow your LinkedIn following and unlock the platform's full potential.

Optimise your foundation for success

1. Complete Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your virtual storefront, so make sure it puts your best foot forward. A well-optimized profile makes a great first impression, increasing your chances of attracting followers and connections. Here's how to ensure your profile stands out:

  • Headline: Craft a compelling headline that goes beyond your job title. Highlight your unique value proposition and target keywords relevant to your industry.
  • Summary: Your summary is prime real estate. Use it to tell your story, highlight your expertise, and showcase your personality.
  • Experience: Clearly outline your work history and accomplishments, using keywords that potential followers might use in searches.
  • Skills: List relevant skills and don't be afraid to endorse others, as they may reciprocate.

2. Update Your Profile Photos

Visuals matter! A professional headshot and a relevant banner image enhance your profile's appeal. Invest in a high-quality headshot that reflects your brand and personality. Your banner image can showcase your work, company logo, or a compelling tagline.

3. Optimize for Search

To increase your visibility on LinkedIn, you need to understand how people might search for someone with your skills or expertise. Here's how to optimize for LinkedIn search:

  • Keywords: Research relevant keywords in your niche and strategically incorporate them throughout your profile – in your headline, summary, and experience sections.
  • Location: Include your location, as many recruiters and potential clients conduct location-based searches.
  • Industry: Ensure your profile accurately represents your industry.

Content is King!: Publish, Promote and Engage

4. Post Regularly

Consistency is crucial for building visibility and attracting followers. Aim to post at least once a week, but quality always trumps sheer quantity. Here's how to optimize your content strategy:

  • Find Your Niche: Focus on topics relevant to your expertise and passions to establish yourself as an authority.
  • Mix It Up: Experiment with different content formats – articles, text posts, videos, images, polls.
  • Repurpose Content Break down larger content pieces (like this blog!) into smaller, shareable snippets for LinkedIn.

5. Post During Prime Time

Maximize visibility by understanding your audience. Studies suggest the following are optimal times for LinkedIn posts:

  • Tuesday - Thursday 8 AM - 1 PM

Experiment to find the sweet spots for your own audience.

6. Include Visual Content

Visuals capture attention and enhance engagement. Consider:

  • Images: Eye-catching, relevant images that relate to your posts.
  • Videos: Short, informative videos are a great way to showcase your personality and expertise.
  • Infographics: Simplify complex information with visually appealing infographics.

7. Cross Promote on Other Channels

Expand your reach and drive traffic to your LinkedIn profile by leveraging your presence on other social media platforms. Here are effective ways to cross-promote successfully:

  • Share LinkedIn Content: Repurpose LinkedIn posts as teasers for Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Keep them short and enticing, and always add a clear link back to your LinkedIn profile.
  • LinkedIn Newsletter: If you write a newsletter, include excerpts from your LinkedIn articles and a call to action to follow you there.
  • Embed LinkedIn Posts: Display your latest LinkedIn posts on your website or blog sidebar to create a dynamic feed of your expertise.

8. Add a Follow Button to Website/Newsletter

Make it incredibly easy for people to find and follow your LinkedIn profile. Here's how:

  • Website Add a prominent LinkedIn "Follow" button to your website's header, footer, or a relevant blog post. LinkedIn provides the code to embed for a seamless integration.
  • Newsletter: Include a LinkedIn icon or "Follow" button with a link to your profile within your email newsletter template.

Be an Active Participant, Not Just a Bystander

9. Engage with Followers and Connections

Building a thriving LinkedIn presence goes beyond just publishing content. Meaningful engagement is at the heart of growing your following and fostering relationships. Here's how to interact effectively:

  • Respond to Comments: Acknowledge insightful comments and questions on your posts promptly, encouraging further dialogue.
  • Give Thoughtful Feedback: Don't just "like" posts; take a moment to provide valuable comments that show you're paying attention and fostering conversation.
  • Initiate Conversations: Ask questions, share industry insights, and spark discussions on your own and others' posts.

10. Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are communities centered around specific industries, professions, or interests. They provide an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, contribute to discussions, and expand your network. Here's how to benefit from Groups:

  • Find Relevant Groups: Use LinkedIn's search function to discover groups aligned with your niche and target audience.
  • Active Participation: Don't just lurk! Share value by posting articles, asking questions, and offering helpful insights.
  • Be Human: Approach group interactions with the same genuine engagement you would on your own page.

11. Check Your LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Analytics is your secret weapon for understanding your audience and tailoring your content strategy. While not as robust as some dedicated social media analytics tools, it still provides valuable insights. Here's what to focus on:

  • Impressions: How many times your posts have been seen – a good gauge of overall reach.
  • Engagement Rate: Clicks, likes, comments, and shares as a percentage of total impressions – this tells you whether your content is resonating with your audience.
  • Follower Demographics: Location, industry, job titles, company size of those following you – ensure this aligns with your target audience.
  • Individual Post Analytics: Track which posts gain the most traction and uncover patterns of what your audience responds to.

Strategies for Accelerated Growth

12. Give Thought Leadership a Try

Establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry positions you as an authority, attracts a wider audience, and strengthens your reputation. Here's how to get started with thought leadership content on LinkedIn:

  • Share Insights: Go beyond simply reporting on industry news. Offer your unique analysis and perspectives on current trends.
  • Curate Content: Share relevant articles from other credible sources, adding your own commentary and takeaways.
  • Ask Thought-Provoking Questions: Spark discussions and encourage diverse viewpoints on topics relevant to your field.
  • Publish Long-form Articles: LinkedIn's article feature lets you delve deeper into complex topics, showcasing your expertise.

13. Take Notes From Competitors

Examining your competitors' LinkedIn strategies gives you valuable insights into what works (and what doesn't) within your niche. Here's how to analyse competitors effectively:

  • Identify Your Competitors: This goes beyond just direct rivals offering the same products/services. Think about who's competing for attention from your target audience.
  • Analyse Their Content: What type of content are they posting? What's the tone of their messaging? How often do they engage with their followers?
  • Look for Gaps: Identify areas where your competitor's strategy is lacking and opportunities for you to differentiate yourself.
  • Inspiration, Not Imitation: Draw inspiration to improve your own strategy, rather than copying theirs directly.

Additional Tips for Competitor Analysis

  • Use Tools: Tools like Buzzsumo or Social Mention can help you track what competitors are sharing and how their content is performing.
  • Follow Their Updates: Follow your main competitors to stay aware of the kind of content they're pushing out.

14. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers in your niche expands your reach, introduces you to a new audience, and lends valuable credibility to your brand. Here's how to approach collaborations thoughtfully:

  • Identify the Right Influencers: Look for established voices in your industry with an engaged following, but don't focus solely on follower count. Alignment with your values and quality of content is key.
  • Focus on Mutual Benefit: Approach potential collaborators with a clear idea of how you can add value to their audience, not just what you can gain from them.
  • Start Small: Begin with smaller collaborations like guest posts, co-hosting webinars, or cross-promotion of content.
  • Build Relationships: Prioritize authenticity over solely transactional interactions. Genuine relationships lead to more impactful and sustainable collaborations.

Types of Collaborations:

  • Co-create Content: Partner on an article, video, or social media series.
  • Guest Posts: Contribute a guest post to an influencer's blog or have them write for yours.
  • Webinars/Interviews: Host a joint webinar, or interview an influencer for your LinkedIn Live.
  • Contests: Run a joint contest or giveaway to attract followers to both your profiles.

15. Post Relevant, Useful Content

Providing value is at the core of growing a loyal following on LinkedIn. People won't follow you if your content is purely self-promotional or adds nothing of substance to their feeds. Here's how to ensure your content stands out:

  • Know Your Audience: Deeply understand their pain points, challenges, and aspirations. What keeps them up at night? What are they looking for?
  • Solve Problems; Don't Just Sell: Share actionable tips, insights, and advice that help your followers overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
  • Offer Multiple Perspectives: Feature interviews with experts, curate diverse content, or host discussions that challenge the status quo.
  • Make It Digestible: Break down complex topics into easily understandable formats with infographics, short videos, or checklists.

Types of Valuable Content:

  • Industry Insights: Share unique perspectives and trends.
  • Behind-the-scenes: Showcase your company culture or work processes.
  • Case Studies: Highlight your successes or those of your clients.
  • Tutorials & How-Tos: Create educational content that solves common problems.

Good luck, we are here if you need us!

Remember, a strong LinkedIn presence expands your reach, builds credibility, and opens doors to valuable connections. Invest the time in optimizing your profile, creating quality content, and engaging with your network. Need help getting started? We offer a cost effective LinkedIn Audience Growth Service. 

Neil Cole